Här hittar du en förteckning över vuxenutbildningsenheter utomlands. Sidan uppdateras kontinuerligt.
Totalt antal: 115, antal elever registrerade idag 5005Spanien, Madrid
Hemsida: www.centrosueco.com
At Centro Sueco we offer on-site courses, online courses and intensive courses from A1 to C1 level. We are linguists and language teaching experts with many years of experience. The courses are designed to meet the objectives of each student. If you are interested in Swedish, Swedish culture or if you want to study or work in Sweden, our Swedish courses are tailored to help you learn to use Swedish in social and professional contexts. We include all aspects of language learning: listening and reading comprehension, oral interaction and oral and written expression. We also offer in all Spain and Europe intensive Swedish courses, provided that there is a certain number of participants.
Spanien, Marbella
På The Language Centre finns undervisning för båda barn och vuxna.
Tyskland, Braunschweig